Thank you for subscribing to our emails. We take a different approach than other food blogs about many things here.
There are no subscribe popups, and all recipes are organized to find what you want quickly. And no life story—sorry, I know you love them. A little bit of a story about the recipe is in the introduction and easy to skip with the table of contents above it.
The emails are just notifications of recipes occasionally (1-3 per week). More details are below if you are interested.
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What to Expect?
After entering your email and clicking the subscribe button, Mailerlite will send a confirmation email to the email provided to confirm the email is correct and you wish to receive the emails. Just confirm, and you're all set. You should then have a welcome email from me with some helpful information and links.
What Will You Receive?
This is simple. Just an email when I have published a new post to the current date on the blog. It may be a new or a refreshed post that I felt would be of general interest to my readers. Rarely there will be an email of seasonally appropriate recipes.
Many recipe updates are rewritten or updated "in place," meaning I did not change the published date to current for various reasons. Most commonly, this will be for seasonal or lack of general interest issues. You will not receive notification of those recipes.
Generally, the frequency will be 2-3 recipes per week, sometimes more or even skipping a week. There will never be more than one email per day. Occasionally, there will be several recipes in an email but not commonly.
You may also occasionally receive notice of a recipe of seasonal interest or a blog announcement. I expect these will be less than once per month.
Timing is irregular depending on the recipes that need to be rewritten and my busy retirement schedule.
Will You Get a Real Newsletter?
Not in the long newsletter sense, just to notifications of new posts. A complete newsletter is WORK - not doin' it. I'm retired, you know.
Most people don't read them (I don't). Everything I have to share is on the site.
NO SPAM—How Will My Email Be Used?
I consider this as a "service" to you, so come and go as you wish. While I appreciate the "support," I'm fine if you unsubscribe if you don't find it helpful.
I will use your email to send these notifications and will send you nothing else. I will not sell or share your address with email marketers. Nor will the emails contain ads or material unrelated to the blog. Your email may be used to identify ads that are most appropriate for you when you visit this site.
How Do I Unsubscribe?
There is a link at the bottom of every email to unsubscribe. It will unsubscribe you and remove your email from the mailing list. Puff... you are off the list.
You are always welcome to resubscribe later if you wish.