Today was a very big day here at the "cooking for two" household. The new baby girls arrived. They are English Golden Retrievers. Their bloodlines are excellent but we are not breeding or showing. The temperament and health are what we were looking for and we believe we have found that.

This is the start of "Bow Wow Wednesday" even though it is Thursday and I edited the title and inserted this paragraph later.
So we trucked over to Bennington Hills Kennels in Fenton Michigan about 2 ½ hours away for puppy choosing time. We had the #1 and #3 girls reserved and believe we chose wisely... but really it would be impossible to make a mistake. On to the introductions.
Molly is lighter and will be dressed in purple.
Lilly is a little more golden and will be dressed in pink.
Too much cuteness not to share... more to come.
September 4, 2014
Christine says
I'm pretty sure I'm going to die from cuteness overload, but if I do, it will totally be worth it.
Lalee says
First of all..Dr.Dan, I love your blog. I've been following it for quite sometime now. I've made many of your recipes, which have been great hits in my small household. I guess I never knew your love of dogs. So I've been reading about your love losses and your new found loves. I'm so happy to see your new family members. They are adorable. I have a rescue dog. He's 14 yrs old. He's a 6lb Pomeranian that is small, but larger than life. I used to be Mom to a part yellow lab/golden retriever mix. The sweetest dog I've ever owned. I had shared a great part of my life with her. She passed a few years ago. So, when I got a little dog, it was an adjustment, but I fell in love with him just the same. Best wishes to you and your new family!
DrDan says
Thanks for the note and sharing. I think us dog people just need their dogs. Once we decided we to get another dog, it was only a matter of timing... now is better for the times we need to be gone this year. They will be old enough to kennel at those times. While we greatly miss Jake and he can not be replaced, the house is full of activity now.
Kate/Massachusetts says
They are so adorable!!!! I hope they bring you much happiness! Please post lots of pictures!
Shobelyn says
Hello, Dr.Dan, I found your blog through my taste. Your new member in the family are so cute...
Judy says
AAAAWWWWWW soooo cute! but I'm sure a lot of work!
Nancy says
OH MY LORD!!! They are precious!! And nice and round and fuzzy..just like.all puppies should be! Bring on lots of cuteness...can't wait to watch them grow!!
Lynne says
Oh my gosh - cuteness overload! We have a black Labrador crossed with something unidentifiable but very very tall, a 7 month old Chihuahua, and four cats - all of which keep me very busy and fulfilled in the love stakes. And STILL your photos instil that primal want for another chubby, cuddly puppy!! If I end up adding to the family it is all your fault :-)