Nothing means more than a gift of time and love. This season, give a little love with these easy and economical homemade candy recipes. They are perfect for gift giving, taking to the office, or a cookie exchange. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish with a bit of love.
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You will expand your gift list once you see how easy, delicious, and economical these homemade candies are. Instead of an expensive box of stale candy, light up their faces with your delicious homemade candy.
🍫Fudge, Fudge, and More Fudge
Nothing says Christmas like a plate of fudge from friends and family. Be the giver this year. It is so easy to do.
🥜Nut Recipes
Everybody loves nuts, add chocolate or sugar, and you have something special for the holidays.
♨️Oven-Made Candy Recipes
Simple baked candy treats to share with family and friends.
Have a great holiday season.
From Wifo, Molly, Lilly, and DrDan
Originally Published November 24, 2017. Updated yearly for the holiday season.
James says
Can't wait. Your recipes are always just my size and always Yummy! Thank you sir! Happy Holidays.
Dan Mikesell AKA DrDan says
Thanks James, have a great holiday.
laurajay says
Thanks Dr Dan!
Laurajay says
I just thought of a question,
. what is the best way to pack for storage or gift giving for maximum freshness ?
DrDan says
Hi Laurajay,
Most homemade candies should be stored in an airtight container. About 4-5 days at room temperature. Refrigerated 2-3 weeks. If more than 2-3 weeks then freezing.
I included some storage information with some of the candy recipes. Others, just ask. The guidelines above work for most of the chocolate covered things. The candied nuts get stale as does the pretzels
laurajay says
I cannot wait to try this! as always thats for the great recipes and pictures and detailed notes.